

“Tough times never last, but tough people do.” ~Dr. Robert Schuller

It’s true that even the toughest of times don’t last forever, and as long as you remain strong you’ll make it through and be able to weather whatever storms come your way. The human spirit has shown that it’s capable of making it through tough times, and getting to the end of the tunnel. The best part of dealing with adversity is that it toughens you up for the next trial in your life. Knowing that you’re only getting better with each new struggle can be an inspiration during those times when you feel like giving up. Being a tough person doesn’t mean you have to be callous, it just means you have an inner strength that’s battle-tested.

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“Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” ~Winston Churchill

Getting knocked around by failures is never fun or easy, but this advice from Churchill reminds us that it’s vital that you remain enthusiastic when facing your next venture, or you can expect more of the same. It’s not an easy task, but it’s clear to see that if you let your defeats get you down you only make it harder to get that next success under your belt. Make an effort to get enthusiastic about your current endeavor, regardless of how many times you’ve fallen short in the past. This is sure to result in a success or two, which builds momentum and makes it easier to get excited about what you’ll do next.

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Porsonal Developement

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~Gandhi

It’s easy to get frustrated by all the violence and pain being experienced around the world, and even easier to feel helpless about it. But rather than sitting around waiting for the world to change, it’s better to start making changes within your own sphere of influence. The theory behind this quote is that if everyone tended to their own selves the world would be the way we all want it to be. What can you do today that would help make the world around you a better place? By making the changes you wish the world would make you instantly and automatically make the world better.

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